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Renewable energy offers a bright future for investors



As humanity continues to evolve and technology along with it, there is one constant that cannot seem to be outrun: the dependence on energy. From the earliest days of cavemen discovering fire to today’s extensive power grids, energy has always been the lifeblood of human advancement. However, in recent decades, the downsides of producing these large amounts of energy have become apparent. From finite resources like fossil fuels, through the pollution brought upon by coal burning, to the dangers of nuclear energy – the world is in dire need of clean, sustainable energy in order to keep going.

Polluted skies and bodies of water, continued depletion of natural resources, and an ongoing increase in non-renewable energy consumption have brought the human race to the edge of catastrophe. However, there are numerous entities fighting these phenomena by creating new means of sustainable energy production and deploying significant infrastructure to support it. The world has run on non-renewable energy for too long, and a growing number of companies and governments are realising that clean energy must be more widely adopted.

The sustainable energy industry has the potential to completely revolutionise the global energy sector – and carries an exciting investment opportunity, as the renewable energy market is expected to reach a massive $2.1 trillion by 2025¹. It is no wonder, then, that both veteran energy corporations and innovative new companies are exploring, developing and implementing new, sustainable means of producing energy.

The damage is done

It is quite clear that the energy sources that have powered the world since the beginning of the industrial revolution are finite and that non-renewable energy will eventually run out. While this might sound ominous, it is actually a good opportunity for well-established energy firms and sustainable energy entrepreneurs to generate new revenue streams from sustainable energy sources.

After all, the world will never stop needing energy. On the contrary, as technology advances and more aspects of our daily lives become technology-dependent, one can assume that global power consumption will likely continue to rise. Investing in sustainable energy solutions will not only be positive for the environment, it may very well be one of the most promising investment opportunities.

Cleaning up the future

So how can humanity restore the damage and set a course to a cleaner future? The answer is multifaceted. There are numerous industries that are part of the ongoing pollution of the globe, all of which now have players that are trying to reverse the damage. Some focus on energy production methods that are more environmentally friendly, as these become the preferred energy source in some countries², while others focus on improving the way existing industries produce and consume energy.

Naturally, an emphasis is placed on producing energy from coal and fossil fuel alternatives, such as solar energy and wood fiber, as they offer reduced emissions of greenhouse gases. These go alongside improved electrical infrastructure, that increases efficiency of energy consumption and is constructed using environmentally-friendly methods and materials. Another major cause of emission is the transportation industry, which is being revolutionised with an ongoing shift to electric vehicles and constant innovation in battery charging.

Investing in clean energy

As stated before, the sustainable energy sector is expected to reach a market cap of more than $2 trillion over the next few years. Naturally, as humanity progresses towards cleaner and greener means of energy production, the financial aspect of the renewable energy sector will grow, and an increasing number of investment opportunities will arise. To give its clients exposure to this sector, eToro created the RenewableEnergy CopyPortfolio, which offers a diversified, long-term investment strategy in clean energy. To follow its performance, you can add the CopyPortfolio to your Watchlist on eToro.

Add RenewableEnergy to Watchlist

The RenewableEnergy CopyPortfolio offers a thematic investment opportunity in renewable energy companies, comprising various stocks of organisations operating across multiple segments of the industry, in different locations around the world.

The Portfolio was created with diversity in mind, offering stocks from solar energy pioneers, such as SolarEdge, waste management companies, such as Renewi, and several other companies covering sectors relevant to the sustainable energy industry.


This content is intended for information and educational purposes only and should not be considered investment advice or investment recommendation. Past performance is not an indication of future results.


XNO Token of Xeno NFT Hub listed on Bithumb Korea Exchange



Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 25th January, 2021, // ChainWire //

Xeno Holdings Limited ( ), a blockchain solutions company based in Hong Kong, has announced the listing of its ecosystem utility token XNO on the ‘Bithumb Korea’ cryptocurrency exchange on January 21st 2021.

Xeno NFT Hub ( ), developed by Xeno Holdings, enables easy minting of digital items into NFTs while also providing a marketplace where anyone can securely trade NFTs.

The Xeno NFT Hub project team includes former members of the technology project Yosemite X based in San Francisco and professionals such as Gabby Dizon who is a games industry expert and NFT space influencer based in Southeast Asia.

NFT(Non-Fungible Token) technology has recently gained huge focus in the blockchain arena and beyond, making waves in the online gaming sector, the art world, and the digital copyrights industry in recent years. The strongest feature of NFTs is that “NFTs are unique digital assets that cannot be replaced or forged”. Unlike fungible tokens such as Bitcoin or Ether, NFTs are not interchangeable for other tokens of the same type but instead each NFT has a unique value and specific information that cannot be replaced. This fact makes NFTs the perfect solution to record and prove ownership of digital and real-world items like works of art, game items, limited-edition collectibles, and more. One of the ways to have a successful…

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XENO starts VIP NFT trading service and collaborates with contemporary artist Hiro Yamagata



Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 24th December, 2020, // ChainWire //

The XENO NFT Hub ( will provide a crypto-powered digital items and collectables trading platform allowing users to create, buy, and sell NFTs. Additionally it will support auction based listings, governance and voting mechanisms, trade history tracking, user rating and other advanced features.

As a first step towards its fully comprehensive service, XENO NFT Hub launched a recent VIP service to select users and early adopters in December 2020 with plans for a full Public Beta to open in June 2021. 

“NFTs are extremely flexible in their usage, from digital event tickets to artwork, and while NFTs have a very wide spectrum of uses and categories XENO will initially focus its partnership efforts and its own item curation on three primary areas: gaming, sports & entertainment, and collectibles.”, said XENO NFT Hub president Anthony Di Franco.

He also added “This does not mean we will prohibit other types of NFTs from our ecosystem However, it simply means that XENO’s efforts as a company will be targeted into these verticals initially as a cohesive business approach.”

Development and Procurement Lead, Gabby Dizon explained, “Despite our initial focus, we found ourselves with a unique opportunity to host some of the works of Mr. Hiro Yamagata. We are collaborating with Japanese artist Hiro Yamagata to enshrine some of his artwork into NFTs.”

Mr. Yamagata has…

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My Crypto Heroes Announces Issuance of MCH Governance Token



Tokyo, Japan, 24th November, 2020, // ChainWire //

My Crypto Heroes is happy to announce the issuance of MCH Coin as an incentive to players in the My Crypto Heroes ecosystem, aiming to allow them to craft a “User-oriented world”. The MCH coin is available on Uniswap with a newly created pool with ETH. 

My Crypto Heroes is a blockchain-based game for PC and Mobile. It allows users to collect historic heroes and raise them for battle in a Crypto World. Officially released on November 30th, 2018, MCH has recorded the most transactions and daily active users than any other blockchain game in the world.

What is MCH Coin?

MCH Coin is being issued as an ERC-20 Standard Governance Token. The issuance began on November 9th, 2020, with 50 million tokens issued.

Of the funds issued, 40% are allocated to a pay for on-going development and as rewards for advisors and early investors. 10% are allocated to marketing and the growth of the ecosystem, and 50% are allocated to the community. The Distribution Ratio of the MCH Coin is subject to change via a governance decision.

The MCH coin will be used as a voting right as part of the ecosystem’s governance, with 1 coin being 1 vote. It will also be used for in-game utilities and payments. Additional information can be found here:

During December 2020 the first…

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